Friday, May 16, 2008

The Islamic Economic System

I read in the news quite way back that a lot of our youngsters went bankrupt quite at an early age due to credit card debts and a lot other types of loans that they have taken. I have also recalled that the problem of along chasing their debtors that end up the debtors taking his life by jumping off the building.

Face the fact!!! We live in the world full of debts.

Debts have become necessities in our daily lives. And daily, new products are invented to entice new customers to subcribe to debts.

Majority of us are mired with debts. We survive month to month on debts!!!! The moment debts are recalled we are dead!!!!

As a Muslim I am thought that usury or riba is forbidden.

It is the third from the list of seven of the biggest sin in Islam.